✨ Advent of Code — Day 08 <2021 />

* Cf. aoc. d. viii

Today’s challenge was pretty fun to solve. Given a string of 10 unique signal patterns, followed by a four-digit output value separated by |. Our job is to discover the four-digit number that is represented by the signal patterns.

acedgfb cdfbe gcdfa fbcad dab cefabd cdfgeb eafb cagedb ab | ab

As we know that in an LCD, the only digit formed by two segments is the number 1, ab is one.

A very valuable tip here is to focus on the easy digits first.


First of all, we need to transform the String input into a List<String>, and then we can split each line by |. So we may have segment and numbers.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

class Day08(private val signals: List<String>) {

    data class SegmentMap(
        val map: Map<String, Int>,
        val decodedNumber: Int
    ) {
        companion object {
            private fun String.order() =
                this.split("").sortedDescending().joinToString(separator = "")

            fun of(input: String): SegmentMap {
                val (segment, numbers) = input.split(" | ")

                val segmentSplit = segment.split(" ")

                // Hacky ones
                val sixDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 6 }
                val fiveDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 5 }

                // Easy discoverable
                val one = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 2 }
                val four = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 4 }
                val seven = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 3 }
                val eight = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 7 }

                // Tricky
                val nine = sixDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(four.split("")) }
                val zero = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val six = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }

                val three = fiveDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val five = fiveDigits.first { six.split("").containsAll(it.split("")) }
                val two = fiveDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(three.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(five.split("")) }

                val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
                map[zero.order()] = 0
                map[one.order()] = 1
                map[two.order()] = 2
                map[three.order()] = 3
                map[four.order()] = 4
                map[five.order()] = 5
                map[six.order()] = 6
                map[seven.order()] = 7
                map[eight.order()] = 8
                map[nine.order()] = 9

                val number = numbers.split(" ").map {

                return SegmentMap(map, number.joinToString(separator = "").toInt())

    private val easyDigits = listOf(2, 3, 4, 7)

    fun part1(): Int =
        signals.map { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
            .map { segments ->
                segments.map {
                    when {
                        easyDigits.contains(it.length) -> 1
                        else -> 0
            }.sumOf { it.sum() }

    fun part2(): Int =
        signals.map { SegmentMap.of(input = it) }
        .sumOf { it.decodedNumber }

fun main(): Unit = println("Day 08 - Seven Segment Search\nNothing to see here, we just splitted the input")

Let’s check the numbers with unique segments are the easiest to discover. We can start with them.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

class Day08(private val signals: List<String>) {

    data class SegmentMap(
        val map: Map<String, Int>,
        val decodedNumber: Int
    ) {
        companion object {
            private fun String.order() =
                this.split("").sortedDescending().joinToString(separator = "")

            fun of(input: String): SegmentMap {
                val (segment, numbers) = input.split(" | ")

                val segmentSplit = segment.split(" ")

                // Hacky ones
                val sixDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 6 }
                val fiveDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 5 }

                // Easy discoverable
                val one = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 2 }
                val four = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 4 }
                val seven = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 3 }
                val eight = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 7 }

                // Tricky
                val nine = sixDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(four.split("")) }
                val zero = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val six = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }

                val three = fiveDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val five = fiveDigits.first { six.split("").containsAll(it.split("")) }
                val two = fiveDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(three.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(five.split("")) }

                val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
                map[zero.order()] = 0
                map[one.order()] = 1
                map[two.order()] = 2
                map[three.order()] = 3
                map[four.order()] = 4
                map[five.order()] = 5
                map[six.order()] = 6
                map[seven.order()] = 7
                map[eight.order()] = 8
                map[nine.order()] = 9

                val number = numbers.split(" ").map {

                return SegmentMap(map, number.joinToString(separator = "").toInt())

    private val easyDigits = listOf(2, 3, 4, 7)

    fun part1(): Int =
        signals.map { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
            .map { segments ->
                segments.map {
                    when {
                        easyDigits.contains(it.length) -> 1
                        else -> 0
            }.sumOf { it.sum() }

    fun part2(): Int =
        signals.map { SegmentMap.of(input = it) }
        .sumOf { it.decodedNumber }

fun main(): Unit = println("Day 08 - Seven Segment Search\nNothing to see here, we are still working on the input")

The other digits are a little bit tricky to discover. But I’m sure if you think a little bit about it, you will find a way to discover them. Basically, I’ve compared the easy ones with the tricky ones to find them. For example, to find the number 9, I’ve compared a number with 6 segments - which could be 6, or 9, with the number 4. The segment that contains all chars from 4 is the number 9.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

class Day08(private val signals: List<String>) {

    data class SegmentMap(
        val map: Map<String, Int>,
        val decodedNumber: Int
    ) {
        companion object {
            private fun String.order() =
                this.split("").sortedDescending().joinToString(separator = "")

            fun of(input: String): SegmentMap {
                val (segment, numbers) = input.split(" | ")

                val segmentSplit = segment.split(" ")

                // Hacky ones
                val sixDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 6 }
                val fiveDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 5 }

                // Easy discoverable
                val one = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 2 }
                val four = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 4 }
                val seven = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 3 }
                val eight = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 7 }

                // Tricky
                val nine = sixDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(four.split("")) }
                val zero = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val six = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }

                val three = fiveDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val five = fiveDigits.first { six.split("").containsAll(it.split("")) }
                val two = fiveDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(three.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(five.split("")) }

                val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
                map[zero.order()] = 0
                map[one.order()] = 1
                map[two.order()] = 2
                map[three.order()] = 3
                map[four.order()] = 4
                map[five.order()] = 5
                map[six.order()] = 6
                map[seven.order()] = 7
                map[eight.order()] = 8
                map[nine.order()] = 9

                val number = numbers.split(" ").map {

                return SegmentMap(map, number.joinToString(separator = "").toInt())

    private val easyDigits = listOf(2, 3, 4, 7)

    fun part1(): Int =
        signals.map { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
            .map { segments ->
                segments.map {
                    when {
                        easyDigits.contains(it.length) -> 1
                        else -> 0
            }.sumOf { it.sum() }

    fun part2(): Int =
        signals.map { SegmentMap.of(input = it) }
        .sumOf { it.decodedNumber }

fun main(): Unit = println("Day 08 - Seven Segment Search\nNothing to see here, we just solving tricky numbers")

At the end of it, I’ve built a Map<String, Int> to map the segment to the number. Then I’ve created a map with the decoded digits - Just in case I need it later.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

class Day08(private val signals: List<String>) {

    data class SegmentMap(
        val map: Map<String, Int>,
        val decodedNumber: Int
    ) {
        companion object {
            private fun String.order() =
                this.split("").sortedDescending().joinToString(separator = "")

            fun of(input: String): SegmentMap {
                val (segment, numbers) = input.split(" | ")

                val segmentSplit = segment.split(" ")

                // Hacky ones
                val sixDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 6 }
                val fiveDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 5 }

                // Easy discoverable
                val one = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 2 }
                val four = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 4 }
                val seven = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 3 }
                val eight = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 7 }

                // Tricky
                val nine = sixDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(four.split("")) }
                val zero = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val six = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }

                val three = fiveDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val five = fiveDigits.first { six.split("").containsAll(it.split("")) }
                val two = fiveDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(three.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(five.split("")) }

                val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
                map[zero.order()] = 0
                map[one.order()] = 1
                map[two.order()] = 2
                map[three.order()] = 3
                map[four.order()] = 4
                map[five.order()] = 5
                map[six.order()] = 6
                map[seven.order()] = 7
                map[eight.order()] = 8
                map[nine.order()] = 9

                val number = numbers.split(" ").map {

                return SegmentMap(map, number.joinToString(separator = "").toInt())

    private val easyDigits = listOf(2, 3, 4, 7)

    fun part1(): Int =
        signals.map { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
            .map { segments ->
                segments.map {
                    when {
                        easyDigits.contains(it.length) -> 1
                        else -> 0
            }.sumOf { it.sum() }

    fun part2(): Int =
        signals.map { SegmentMap.of(input = it) }
        .sumOf { it.decodedNumber }

fun main(): Unit = println("Day 08 - Seven Segment Search\nNothing to see here, we just added a Map")

To finish it up, I’ve encapsulated the logic into a SegmentMap class.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

class Day08(private val signals: List<String>) {

    data class SegmentMap(
        val map: Map<String, Int>,
        val decodedNumber: Int
    ) {
        companion object {
            private fun String.order() =
                this.split("").sortedDescending().joinToString(separator = "")

            fun of(input: String): SegmentMap {
                val (segment, numbers) = input.split(" | ")

                val segmentSplit = segment.split(" ")

                // Hacky ones
                val sixDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 6 }
                val fiveDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 5 }

                // Easy discoverable
                val one = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 2 }
                val four = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 4 }
                val seven = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 3 }
                val eight = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 7 }

                // Tricky
                val nine = sixDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(four.split("")) }
                val zero = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val six = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }

                val three = fiveDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val five = fiveDigits.first { six.split("").containsAll(it.split("")) }
                val two = fiveDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(three.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(five.split("")) }

                val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
                map[zero.order()] = 0
                map[one.order()] = 1
                map[two.order()] = 2
                map[three.order()] = 3
                map[four.order()] = 4
                map[five.order()] = 5
                map[six.order()] = 6
                map[seven.order()] = 7
                map[eight.order()] = 8
                map[nine.order()] = 9

                val number = numbers.split(" ").map {

                return SegmentMap(map, number.joinToString(separator = "").toInt())

    private val easyDigits = listOf(2, 3, 4, 7)

    fun part1(): Int =
        signals.map { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
            .map { segments ->
                segments.map {
                    when {
                        easyDigits.contains(it.length) -> 1
                        else -> 0
            }.sumOf { it.sum() }

    fun part2(): Int =
        signals.map { SegmentMap.of(input = it) }
        .sumOf { it.decodedNumber }

fun main(): Unit = println("Day 08 - Seven Segment Search\nNothing to see here, we just added the SegmentMap class")


Part one is quite simple. We just need to count the number of times we found the digits 1, 4, 7, or 8 in the decoded numbers. To solve this part, we don’t even need to use our SegmentMap class. We can solve it by just comparing the length of the segments.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

class Day08(private val signals: List<String>) {

    data class SegmentMap(
        val map: Map<String, Int>,
        val decodedNumber: Int
    ) {
        companion object {
            private fun String.order() =
                this.split("").sortedDescending().joinToString(separator = "")

            fun of(input: String): SegmentMap {
                val (segment, numbers) = input.split(" | ")

                val segmentSplit = segment.split(" ")

                // Hacky ones
                val sixDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 6 }
                val fiveDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 5 }

                // Easy discoverable
                val one = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 2 }
                val four = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 4 }
                val seven = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 3 }
                val eight = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 7 }

                // Tricky
                val nine = sixDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(four.split("")) }
                val zero = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val six = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }

                val three = fiveDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val five = fiveDigits.first { six.split("").containsAll(it.split("")) }
                val two = fiveDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(three.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(five.split("")) }

                val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
                map[zero.order()] = 0
                map[one.order()] = 1
                map[two.order()] = 2
                map[three.order()] = 3
                map[four.order()] = 4
                map[five.order()] = 5
                map[six.order()] = 6
                map[seven.order()] = 7
                map[eight.order()] = 8
                map[nine.order()] = 9

                val number = numbers.split(" ").map {

                return SegmentMap(map, number.joinToString(separator = "").toInt())

    private val easyDigits = listOf(2, 3, 4, 7)

    fun part1(): Int =
        signals.map { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
            .map { segments ->
                segments.map {
                    when {
                        easyDigits.contains(it.length) -> 1
                        else -> 0
            }.sumOf { it.sum() }

    fun part2(): Int =
        signals.map { SegmentMap.of(input = it) }
        .sumOf { it.decodedNumber }

fun main(): Unit = println(Day08("""be cfbegad cbdgef fgaecd cgeb fdcge agebfd fecdb fabcd edb | fdgacbe cefdb cefbgd gcbe
edbfga begcd cbg gc gcadebf fbgde acbgfd abcde gfcbed gfec | fcgedb cgb dgebacf gc
fgaebd cg bdaec gdafb agbcfd gdcbef bgcad gfac gcb cdgabef | cg cg fdcagb cbg
fbegcd cbd adcefb dageb afcb bc aefdc ecdab fgdeca fcdbega | efabcd cedba gadfec cb
aecbfdg fbg gf bafeg dbefa fcge gcbea fcaegb dgceab fcbdga | gecf egdcabf bgf bfgea
fgeab ca afcebg bdacfeg cfaedg gcfdb baec bfadeg bafgc acf | gebdcfa ecba ca fadegcb
dbcfg fgd bdegcaf fgec aegbdf ecdfab fbedc dacgb gdcebf gf | cefg dcbef fcge gbcadfe
bdfegc cbegaf gecbf dfcage bdacg ed bedf ced adcbefg gebcd | ed bcgafe cdgba cbgef
egadfb cdbfeg cegd fecab cgb gbdefca cg fgcdab egfdb bfceg | gbdfcae bgc cg cgb
gcafb gcf dcaebfg ecagb gf abcdeg gaef cafbge fdbac fegbdc | fgae cfgab fg bagce""".split("\n")).part1())

Part one! 🎉


Part two ask us to give the sum of all decoded numbers. It is very easy now.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

class Day08(private val signals: List<String>) {

    data class SegmentMap(
        val map: Map<String, Int>,
        val decodedNumber: Int
    ) {
        companion object {
            private fun String.order() =
                this.split("").sortedDescending().joinToString(separator = "")

            fun of(input: String): SegmentMap {
                val (segment, numbers) = input.split(" | ")

                val segmentSplit = segment.split(" ")

                // Hacky ones
                val sixDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 6 }
                val fiveDigits = segmentSplit.filter { it.length == 5 }

                // Easy discoverable
                val one = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 2 }
                val four = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 4 }
                val seven = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 3 }
                val eight = segmentSplit.first { it.length == 7 }

                // Tricky
                val nine = sixDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(four.split("")) }
                val zero = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val six = sixDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(nine.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }

                val three = fiveDigits.first { it.split("").containsAll(one.split("")) }
                val five = fiveDigits.first { six.split("").containsAll(it.split("")) }
                val two = fiveDigits.filter { !it.split("").containsAll(three.split("")) }
                    .first { !it.split("").containsAll(five.split("")) }

                val map = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()
                map[zero.order()] = 0
                map[one.order()] = 1
                map[two.order()] = 2
                map[three.order()] = 3
                map[four.order()] = 4
                map[five.order()] = 5
                map[six.order()] = 6
                map[seven.order()] = 7
                map[eight.order()] = 8
                map[nine.order()] = 9

                val number = numbers.split(" ").map {

                return SegmentMap(map, number.joinToString(separator = "").toInt())

    private val easyDigits = listOf(2, 3, 4, 7)

    fun part1(): Int =
        signals.map { it.split(" | ")[1].split(" ") }
            .map { segments ->
                segments.map {
                    when {
                        easyDigits.contains(it.length) -> 1
                        else -> 0
            }.sumOf { it.sum() }

    fun part2(): Int =
        signals.map { SegmentMap.of(input = it) }
        .sumOf { it.decodedNumber }

fun main(): Unit = println(Day08("""be cfbegad cbdgef fgaecd cgeb fdcge agebfd fecdb fabcd edb | fdgacbe cefdb cefbgd gcbe
edbfga begcd cbg gc gcadebf fbgde acbgfd abcde gfcbed gfec | fcgedb cgb dgebacf gc
fgaebd cg bdaec gdafb agbcfd gdcbef bgcad gfac gcb cdgabef | cg cg fdcagb cbg
fbegcd cbd adcefb dageb afcb bc aefdc ecdab fgdeca fcdbega | efabcd cedba gadfec cb
aecbfdg fbg gf bafeg dbefa fcge gcbea fcaegb dgceab fcbdga | gecf egdcabf bgf bfgea
fgeab ca afcebg bdacfeg cfaedg gcfdb baec bfadeg bafgc acf | gebdcfa ecba ca fadegcb
dbcfg fgd bdegcaf fgec aegbdf ecdfab fbedc dacgb gdcebf gf | cefg dcbef fcge gbcadfe
bdfegc cbegaf gecbf dfcage bdacg ed bedf ced adcbefg gebcd | ed bcgafe cdgba cbgef
egadfb cdbfeg cegd fecab cgb gbdefca cg fgcdab egfdb bfceg | gbdfcae bgc cg cgb
gcafb gcf dcaebfg ecagb gf abcdeg gaef cafbge fdbac fegbdc | fgae cfgab fg bagce""".split("\n")).part2())

See you in the next one!