✨ Advent of Code — Day 07 <2021 />


* Cf. aoc. d. vii

Today’s challenge consist in finding the minimum cost to align a list of numbers. Meaning that at the end of the process, all numbers will be equal.

As always, if you want to go straight to the code, you can check it out on our codelicia’s repository.


* Cf. aoc. d. vi

We were given a String representing a list of numbers separated by commas. As we did for the * previous day, we can easily parse it into a List<Int> using input.split(",").map { it.toInt() }.

As our job here is to make all numbers equal, we can deduce that we will need to find a range of valid possible numbers.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.min

class Day07(val crabs: List<Int>) {
    private fun List<Int>.range() = this.min()..this.max()
    public fun range() = crabs.range()

fun main(): Unit = println(Day07(listOf(16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14)).range())


The first part of the challenge is to find the minimum cost to align the numbers. That is quite straightforward. We can try all combinations in the range and find the one with the minimum cost.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.min

class Day07(val crabs: List<Int>) {
    private fun List<Int>.range() = this.min()..this.max()
    fun part1(): Int = crabs.range()
        .minOfOrNull { position -> crabs.sumOf {
            crab -> (position - crab).absoluteValue

fun main(): Unit = println(Day07(listOf(16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14)).part1())

We just solved part one! 🎉


Now the algorithm should change a little bit. We need to find the minimum cost to align the numbers, but we every change on a number, costs 1 more than the previous change.

Suppose I want the number 3 to be 0:

Number (–n) Cost (n += n + 1)
3 0
2 1
1 2
0 3
total 6

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.min

class Day07(val crabs: List<Int>) {
    private fun List<Int>.range() = this.min()..this.max()
    fun part1(): Int = crabs.range()
        .minOfOrNull { position -> crabs.sumOf {
            crab -> (position - crab).absoluteValue
     fun part2(): Int {
        var fuelConsumption = Int.MAX_VALUE

        val memoization = HashMap<Int, Int>()
        for (horizontalPosition in 1..crabs.max()) {
            val previous = memoization.getOrElse(horizontalPosition - 1) { 0 }
            memoization[horizontalPosition] = previous + 1

        for (horizontalPosition in 1..crabs.max()) {
            fuelConsumption = min(fuelConsumption, crabs.map { x ->
                memoization.values.take((x - horizontalPosition).absoluteValue).sum()

        return fuelConsumption

fun main(): Unit = println(Day07(listOf(16,1,2,0,4,2,7,1,2,14)).part2())

This is the solution for part two! 🎉

See you in the next one!