๐ŸŽ„ Advent of Code 2'023 - Day 08

Day 08: Haunted Wasteland

* Cf. aoc. d. viii xxiii

Abridged Problem Description: Picture yourself lost in a haunted wasteland, with only a map of cryptic instructions and a tangled network of nodes to guide you. Your ultimate goal? To escape this spooky realm by reaching the node labeled ZZZ, starting from the ominous AAA.

Parsing The Input

Iโ€™ve decided to use a map<string, pair<string, string>> to store the graph. The key is the nodeโ€™s name, p.first represents the left node and p.second represents the right node.

map<string, pair<string, string>> M;

To populate the map, we just need to parse the input. The input looks like this:

for (int i = 2; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
    string key = lines[i].substr(0, 3);

    M[key] = {lines[i].substr(7, 3), lines[i].substr(12, 3)};

Bene Nota: Iโ€™m ignoring the first line because that is our instructions.

string instructions = lines[0];


The first part of this challenge is straightforward โ€“ we just need to keep following the instructions until we reach ZZZ. Itโ€™s like being trapped in a labyrinth where you only have one direction to go โ€“ forward.

int64 ans = 0;

const string NEEDLE = "ZZZ";
string haystack = "AAA";

while (haystack != NEEDLE) {
    for (const char &c: instructions) {
        if (c == 'R') haystack = M[haystack].second;
        else haystack = M[haystack].first;

    if (haystack == NEEDLE) break;

That was an easy star ๐ŸŒŸ


Abridged Problem Description: Now, for the real challenge โ€“ We should find the number of steps required to make sure every node **A ends up in the **Z position simultaneously.

Part two is where things get spooky. As you might have guessed, the second part of the challenge is a bit more tricky. The same algorithm wonโ€™t work here, because it would take too long to finish. We need to find a way to optimize it.

First, letโ€™s make sure to find all nodes that follow the **A pattern. We could do it while weโ€™re parsing the input. Iโ€™ve decided to store them in a vector<string> ans.

string instructions = lines[0];

map<string, pair<string, string>> M;

vector<string> ans;
for (int i = 2; i < lines.size(); ++i) {
    string key = lines[i].substr(0, 3);

    if (key[2] == 'A') ans.push_back(key);
    M[key] = {lines[i].substr(7, 3), lines[i].substr(12, 3)};

With that in place, we should calculate the cycles for each of these nodes.

* using int64 = long long;

vector<int64> step_counts;

for (const auto &k: ans) {
    string current = k;
    while (true) {
        for (const char &c: instructions) {
            if (c == 'R') current = M[current].second;
            else current = M[current].first;

        if (current.ends_with('Z')) {
            steps = 0;

Now we just need to find the least common multiple of all these cycles. Iโ€™ve used the gcd function to help with the calculation.

int64 lcm = step_counts[0];
for (int i = 1; i < step_counts.size(); ++i) {
    lcm = lcm * step_counts[i] / gcd(lcm, step_counts[i]);

return lcm;

Awesome! We solved the spooky puzzle! ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ

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