✨ Advent of Code — Day 05 <2021 />


* Cf. aoc. d. v

Today’s challenge takes us to the ocean floor, where we encounter a field of hydrothermal vents. Our mission is to navigate through these vents and identify the points where at least two lines overlap. This challenge tests our understanding of line segments, intersections, and the ability to handle both horizontal/vertical lines and diagonal lines. So, let’s dive in and explore the depths of this intriguing puzzle!

As always, if you want to go straight to the code, you can check it out on our codelicia’s repository.


As always we first have to parse the input. I’ve decided to add some helper types to make the code more readable.

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

fun main(): Unit = println("Nothing to see here yet!")

Let’s also add a companion object for easy instantiation of the Vent type.

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])
   fun getVents(): List<VentLine> = this.vents

   companion object {
       private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
           s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()
fun main(): Unit = println(Day05("""
            0,9 -> 5,9
            8,0 -> 0,8
            9,4 -> 3,4
            2,2 -> 2,1
            7,0 -> 7,4
            6,4 -> 2,0
            0,9 -> 2,9
            3,4 -> 1,4
            0,0 -> 8,8
            5,5 -> 8,2

After these simple lines I’ve jumped to the parsing.

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])
   fun getVents(): List<VentLine> = this.vents

   companion object {
       private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
           s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()
fun main(): Unit = println(Day05("""
            0,9 -> 5,9
            8,0 -> 0,8
            9,4 -> 3,4
            2,2 -> 2,1
            7,0 -> 7,4
            6,4 -> 2,0
            0,9 -> 2,9
            3,4 -> 1,4
            0,0 -> 8,8
            5,5 -> 8,2

With that we have a List<VentLine>.


First of all I needed to know what the VentLine represents. Is that a vertical line? A horizontal line? A diagonal line?

We can quite quick find out if it is a vertical or horizontal line by checking if the first and second elements of the Vent are the same. Horizontal lines have the same first element (row), while vertical lines have the same second element (column). The diagonal has neither of these elements the same.

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])
    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
   fun getVents(): List<VentLine> = this.vents

   companion object {
       private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
           s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
    first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
    first.first != second.first

private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
    first.second != second.second
fun main(): Unit = Day05("""
            0,9 -> 5,9
            8,0 -> 0,8
            9,4 -> 3,4
            2,2 -> 2,1
            7,0 -> 7,4
            6,4 -> 2,0
            0,9 -> 2,9
            3,4 -> 1,4
            0,0 -> 8,8
            5,5 -> 8,2
        .forEach { 
            print("$it -> diagonal: ${it.isDiagonal()};")
            print("horizontal: ${it.isHorizontal()};")
            println("vertical: ${it.isVertical()}")

Why I’m handling diagonal values now if the problem only asks for horizontal and vertical lines? Because it will be needed for the second part. I just perceived that by reading at the problem statement.

My solution envolves creating ranges for the horizontal and vertical lines, and then checking if the ranges shares some points. For that I’ll need some methods to expand the ranges.

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)
    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
   fun getVents(): List<VentLine> = this.vents

   companion object {
       private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
           s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
    first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
    first.first != second.first

private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
    first.second != second.second
fun main(): Unit = Day05("""
            0,9 -> 5,9
            8,0 -> 0,8
            9,4 -> 3,4
            2,2 -> 2,1
            7,0 -> 7,4
            6,4 -> 2,0
            0,9 -> 2,9
            3,4 -> 1,4
            0,0 -> 8,8
            5,5 -> 8,2
        .forEach { 
            print("$it -> diagonal: ${it.isDiagonal()};")
            print("horizontal: ${it.isHorizontal()};")
            println("vertical: ${it.isVertical()}")


Checking for overlaps is easy now. I just need to check if the ranges intersects. I’ll create a group with each number and the times it appears in both ranges. Then return the ones that appears more than once.

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)
    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    private fun overlaps(): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                line.isDiagonal() -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .groupingBy { it }
            .count { it.value > 1 }

   fun part1(): Int = overlaps()
   companion object {
       private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
           s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit = println(Day05("""
            0,9 -> 5,9
            8,0 -> 0,8
            9,4 -> 3,4
            2,2 -> 2,1
            7,0 -> 7,4
            6,4 -> 2,0
            0,9 -> 2,9
            3,4 -> 1,4
            0,0 -> 8,8
            5,5 -> 8,2

You can notice that I had to ignore the diagonal vents, otherwise it would give me a wrong answer.

Now, in order to solve part1, we just need to call the overlaps function.

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)
    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    private fun overlaps(): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                line.isDiagonal() -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .groupingBy { it }
            .count { it.value > 1 }

   fun part1(): Int = overlaps()
   companion object {
       private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
           s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit = println(Day05("""
            0,9 -> 5,9
            8,0 -> 0,8
            9,4 -> 3,4
            2,2 -> 2,1
            7,0 -> 7,4
            6,4 -> 2,0
            0,9 -> 2,9
            3,4 -> 1,4
            0,0 -> 8,8
            5,5 -> 8,2


* predicate is a fancy name for functions that returns a boolean value. It is a common name in functional programming.

To solve our next challenge, I’ve introduced a * predicate function to treat each case individually. In this way I can reuse the overlaps function to solve both parts.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)

    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    fun part1(): Int = overlaps { vent -> vent.isDiagonal() }

    fun part2(): Int = overlaps { false }

    private fun overlaps(predicate: (VentLine) -> Boolean): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                predicate(line) -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isDiagonal() -> line.diagonalRange().map { "${it.first},${it.second}" }
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .groupingBy { it }
            .count { it.value > 1 }

    companion object {
        private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
            s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit { 
    val day5 = Day05("""
            0,9 -> 5,9
            8,0 -> 0,8
            9,4 -> 3,4
            2,2 -> 2,1
            7,0 -> 7,4
            6,4 -> 2,0
            0,9 -> 2,9
            3,4 -> 1,4
            0,0 -> 8,8
            5,5 -> 8,2
    println("Part 1: " + day5.part1())
    println("Part 2: " + day5.part2())

Let’s see in details what is happening in this code.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)

    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    fun part1(): Int = overlaps { vent -> vent.isDiagonal() }

    fun part2(): Int = overlaps { false }

    private fun overlaps(predicate: (VentLine) -> Boolean): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                predicate(line) -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isDiagonal() -> line.diagonalRange().map { "${it.first},${it.second}" }
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .also { println(it) }
            .groupingBy { it }
            .count { it.value > 1 }

    companion object {
        private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
            s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit { 
        0,9 -> 5,9
        0,9 -> 2,9

This part is converting each VentLine into a List<String> that represents the coordinates of each point in the line. For example, the line 0,9 -> 5,9 and 0,9 -> 2,9 will be converted into ["0,9", "1,9", "2,9", "3,9", "4,9", "5,9"] and ["0,9", "1,9", "2,9"] respectively. With this we have all the points that are covered by the line. At the end of this map operation, we will have a List<List<String>>.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)

    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    fun part1(): Int = overlaps { vent -> vent.isDiagonal() }

    fun part2(): Int = overlaps { false }

    private fun overlaps(predicate: (VentLine) -> Boolean): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                predicate(line) -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isDiagonal() -> line.diagonalRange().map { "${it.first},${it.second}" }
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .also { println(it) }
            .groupingBy { it }
            .count { it.value > 1 }

    companion object {
        private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
            s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit { 
        0,9 -> 5,9
        0,9 -> 2,9

The flatten function will convert a List<List<String>> into a List<String>. In our example, we will have ["0,9", "1,9", "2,9", "3,9", "4,9", "5,9", "0,9", "1,9", "2,9"]. Note the duplicate values.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)

    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    fun part1(): Int = overlaps { vent -> vent.isDiagonal() }

    fun part2(): Int = overlaps { false }

    private fun overlaps(predicate: (VentLine) -> Boolean): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                predicate(line) -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isDiagonal() -> line.diagonalRange().map { "${it.first},${it.second}" }
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .groupingBy { it }
            .also { println(it) }
            .count { it.value > 1 }

    companion object {
        private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
            s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit { 
        0,9 -> 5,9
        0,9 -> 2,9

The groupingBy function will group the values by their value (it). The duplicate values will be grouped together.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)

    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    fun part1(): Int = overlaps { vent -> vent.isDiagonal() }

    fun part2(): Int = overlaps { false }

    private fun overlaps(predicate: (VentLine) -> Boolean): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                predicate(line) -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isDiagonal() -> line.diagonalRange().map { "${it.first},${it.second}" }
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .groupingBy { it }
            .also { println(it) }
            .count { it.value > 1 }

    companion object {
        private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
            s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit { 
        0,9 -> 5,9
        0,9 -> 2,9

The eachCount function will count how many times each value appears in the list. The result will be a Map<String, Int>.

package com.codelicia.advent2021

import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min

typealias Vent = Pair<Int, Int>
typealias VentLine = Pair<Vent, Vent>

class Day05(input: String) {

    private val vents: List<VentLine> = input.trimIndent()
        .map { x ->
            val xs = x.split(" -> ")

            Vent(xs[0]) to Vent(xs[1])

    private fun VentLine.diagonalRange(): List<Vent> =
        (if (first.second < second.second) horizontalRange().reversed() else horizontalRange())
            .zip(if (first.first < second.first) verticalRange().reversed() else verticalRange())

    private fun VentLine.horizontalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.first, second.first)..max(first.first, second.first)

    private fun VentLine.verticalRange(): IntRange =
        min(first.second, second.second)..max(first.second, second.second)

    private fun VentLine.isDiagonal() =
        first.first != second.first && first.second != second.second

    private fun VentLine.isHorizontal() =
        first.first != second.first

    private fun VentLine.isVertical() =
        first.second != second.second
    fun part1(): Int = overlaps { vent -> vent.isDiagonal() }

    fun part2(): Int = overlaps { false }

    private fun overlaps(predicate: (VentLine) -> Boolean): Int =
        vents.map { line ->
            return@map when {
                predicate(line) -> emptyList<String>()
                line.isDiagonal() -> line.diagonalRange().map { "${it.first},${it.second}" }
                line.isHorizontal() -> line.horizontalRange().map { "$it,${line.first.second}" }
                line.isVertical() -> line.verticalRange().map { "${line.first.first},$it" }
                else -> emptyList<String>()
            .groupingBy { it }
            .count { it.value > 1 }
            .also { println(it) }

    companion object {
        private fun Vent(s: String): Vent =
            s.split(",").first().toInt() to s.split(",").last().toInt()

fun main(): Unit { 
        0,9 -> 5,9
        0,9 -> 2,9

We finalize the operation by counting how many values have a count greater than 1. This will be our result.

Remember that this solution is not the most efficient one, but my goal is not to solve it in the most efficient way.

That is it for today! See you in the next one!